Happy Thanksgiving from J&K Electronics!

Happy Thanksgiving from J&K Electronics! J&K Electronics, Houston

Whether you’re new to J&K Electronics or you’ve been with us for a while, we want to wish you a happy Thanksgiving! It’s time to take time off work, enjoy a great meal, and spend time with your family. What are you thankful for this year? Here’s what the team at J&K Electronics is celebrating this Thanksgiving!

[actt mask=”#JKElectronics wants to wish you a happy Thanksgiving! Here’s what we’re thankful for this fall. #smarthome” tweet=”#JKElectronics wants to wish you a happy Thanksgiving! Here’s what we’re thankful for this fall. #smarthome” btn-text=”” duration=”” delay=”” font=”poiret-one” anim=”none” template=”bbutton”]

Smart Technology for Thanksgiving Gatherings

We’re always grateful for smart tech and its many uses. But don’t forget to consider what your new technology can do over the Thanksgiving season! Safe family gatherings are always made better with automatic lights, music played over smart speakers, and more. And why not take advantage of your voice assistant? Check the football score, look up a recipe, play games, and much more! Best of all, you can take advantage of video calls to keep in touch with family members who can’t travel as the pandemic continues. Impress your friends and family with your new home. 

Our Hardworking Team

Our team members have continued to put in work to provide our clients with the latest and greatest in smart home technology. Our entire staff have worked hard to follow CDC guidelines to protect our clients and each other. We’re immensely grateful for their efforts and for the opportunity to continue doing business in these trying times.

Our Client Base

Finally, we’re grateful for the opportunity to continue doing business with our amazing client base. We appreciate that you trust us to give you awesome technological home upgrades while taking every effort to keep you safe. Take full advantage of your new gadgets this holiday season!


As the holiday season begins, we hope you can take the time to be with your loved ones and enjoy Thanksgiving. Those of us at J&K Electronics look forward to helping you make this busy season an enjoyable one!