How a Smart Lighting System Works

How a Smart Lighting System Works, J&K Electronics, Spring, TX

Smart lighting systems are must-have accessories for any smart home. Who wouldn’t love the ability to control the lights from anywhere in the house or even outside of it? But there’s more to this setup than buying new light bulbs.

How does a smart lighting system work? Smart lighting is not all about having fancy bulbs but integrating them in your home for easy control. You can control smart light bulbs using mobile apps, voice assistants, touchscreens, keypads, or a remote.

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Light Controls

With the help of a smart lighting system, you can dim or brighten lights and change light colors, allowing you to set a specific mood for every room simultaneously. You can also switch individual fixtures or groups of light bulbs on and off whether you’re in the room or not. All you need is access to the light controls through a mobile app, keypad, voice assistant, or other central hub of your smart home.

Integrating Your Lights into Your Smart Home

You can integrate a smart lighting system in your home in two ways: wireless lighting and centralized lighting.

  • Wireless Lighting: This lighting system utilizes the same wires running to the current lighting switches, but you’ll have to replace the regular switches with keypads or smart switches. These new switches will then communicate to the main controller.
  • Centralized Lighting: This lighting system is commonly used in newly built homes or those under major renovations. The system connects the smart light bulbs to a central location, which is hardwired to the controller.

Like the rest of your home’s smart technology, your new lights have to work in tandem with multiple other appliances. In addition to integrating on a technological level, a smart lighting system has to work practically too. How easy is it to dim or turn off the lights in a home theater, for instance? Keep the location and purpose of each new bulb in mind.

Benefits of a Smart Lighting System

Homeowners may have many reasons to opt for smart lighting, including:

  • Eco-friendliness: One of the best ways of conserving energy in your home is installing smart LED lights. The light bulbs can be programmed to turn on only when needed, reducing energy waste.
  • Home security: If you are away from home, you can turn on the smart light bulbs using your phone to scare away burglars. You can also install smart bulbs with motion sensors that automatically turn on light when it detects motion.
  • Convenience: You can install a smart lighting system that works with Alexa to control lighting. Simply tell your voice assistant to turn off the hallway lights or dim the living room lights so you can watch TV in peace.

Upgrade Your Home’s Lighting System!

A well-designed, well-integrated smart lighting system offers a level of safety and convenience that a conventional lighting setup can’t compete with. Why stick with an outdated system? Bring your home into the smart tech age today!

Contact us to learn more about smart lighting systems.